I love how this verse is just tucked into the Christmas story. In between giving birth and fleeing for her life, Mary treasured up those first moments with her baby. There are so many little things that I have been "treasuring up" -- the snuggle time we have while nursing, the gummy smile that he flashes when I walk into a room, the little baby chatter that I hear in the morning lightly floating out of the nursery... I treasure these things. I treasure Levi. I treasure being a mom. It is so hard sometimes, but I LOVE it. And I loved my first Mother's day. I didn't care so much about being thanked (although the card and picture frame from Dan and Levi were so great). I just found myself celebrating motherhood... I found myself reflecting on those things that I love about being a mommy...the things I have treasured up over the last several months. Our first Mother's Day as a family was made even more special by also being the day that Levi was dedicated at church. It was a day of celebrating motherhood....thanking God for the gift of motherhood, and ultimately giving God control of motherhood.
4 moms (me, my sister-in-law Sara, my mother-in-law DuAnne, and my mom Sue) We went to church together and then had a meal back at our house and enjoyed the amazing weather!
Levi loved hanging out with his Aunty Sara
Uncle Curt, cousin Ali, and cousin Sawyer all helped entertain Levi
I remember when this little lady was as tiny as Levi..... now she is 4.5!!
Grandma and Grandpa Wagner trying so hard to get a picture where all the kids look at the same camera... however, none of the kids cared to look at any camera in this shot
Levi loved having both grandmas around to play with him
(and spoil him, of course)
The Wagner Family...once a family of 4....now a family of 9!
The Thrush family (some of us)
enjoying some mothers day cake...or as Sawyer calls it "CAAAAAAAAKKKKEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Levi at his dedication....love that little man!!!