Friday, January 27, 2012

How's it going?

"There's a peace I've come to know
Though my heart and flesh may fail
There's an anchor for my soul
I can say "It is well""
Chris Tomlin - "I Will Rise"

A lot of people have been asking me how we are doing--how am I feeling physically and how are we doing emotionally. That is a hard question (sort of). Physically, I am feeling great. In fact, because the pregnancy hormones are finally out of my system, I feel more energized and perfectly healthy (no morning sickness etc). This is such a blessing because it helps me get moving during the day and I feel like I am able to accomplish things again. I also have more energy to play with Levi who is so much fun! Dan is also over his sickness and feeling better - so, yeah, physically we are GREAT!

Emotionally. humm, I have had a hard time explaining this one. However, this morning during breakfast, Levi and I were listening to Chris Tomlin's cd, "Hello Love," and heard the song "I Will Rise." The song starts out with the above quoted lyrics and I really connected with them - I felt my heart say, "THIS is how you are doing!" Grieving with hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13) is a strange feeling because, on one hand, I have been experiencing the effects of normal loss and grief; yet, on the other hand, I don't feel totally overwhelmed with sadness. I have experienced so many moments of joy during this whole process, excitement for the future, hope of what is yet to come, and peace - accepting what has happened for what it is. And yet, I sometimes have trouble sleeping at night; I still cry when I think about not meeting our little one this summer; I fight bitterness and anger and have, on a few occasions, gone down the "why me, what did I do to deserve this?" path. It is weird to have all these feelings mixed together, but that is how it is. So when people ask me, "How are you doing?" it can be difficult to respond--after all, I am healing....but I guess, even though the physical world still leaves me with pangs of sadness, my soul is anchored in a safe and quiet harbor and I can say, "It is well......I am well."

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